Hello, Now I will read song translate Indonesian, Mandarin and English. The song is ' Interesting 音阙诗听 - Mang Zhong 芒种【Grain in Ear】[Pinyin,English,Indonesian Translation] '
Interesting 音阙诗听 - Mang Zhong 芒种【Grain in Ear】[Pinyin,English,Indonesian Translation]
一想到你我就 Wu~
Yī xiǎngdào nǐ wǒ jiù Wu~
Whenever I think of you, I would Wu~
Setiap kali memikirkanmu, aku akan Wu~
空恨别梦久 Wu~
Kōng hèn bié mèng jiǔ Wu~
Hate that we cannot be together Wu~
Benci bahwa kita tidak bisa bersama Wu ~
Shāo qù zhǐ huī mái yān liǔ
Ashes from the letters burned curtained the foggy willow
Abu dari surat-surat yang dibakar menutupi pohon willow yang berkabut
Yú xiān huó de zhīyā
Under the fresh twigs
Di bawah ranting segar
Diāolíng xià de wúxiá
Withered innocence
Shì shōuhuò mídǐ de dàijià
Is the price to find the answer
余晖沾上 远行人的发
Yúhuī zhān shàng yuǎn xíng rén de fǎ
The leaving person's hair speckling in the warm light of sunset
Tā sǎ xiàshǒu zhōng qiānguà
He dropped his care and concern
Yú qiáo xià
Below the bridge
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
Qiánshì chí lái zhě (cā jiān érguò)
Late-comer from past life(blowing our chance)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
Zhǎngxīn kè (láishēng jìdé)
Palm engraved(remember in next life)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo~
Nǐ yǎnzhōng yānbō dī luò yīdī mò wo~
The sadness in your eyes turned into a drop of falling ink(tear) wo~
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
Ruò fú shuō (wú qiān wú guà)
If Buddha asks me(be carefree)
放下执著 (无相无色)
Fàngxià zhízhuó (wū xiāng wú sè)
To let go the attachment(be empty mind)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
Wǒ zěn néng bōlán bù jīng qù fùhè
How can I follow that without being disturbed?
一想到你我就 Wu~
Yī xiǎngdào nǐ wǒ jiù Wu~
Whenever I think of you, I would Wu~
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu~
Hèn qíng bù shòu zǒng yú kǔhǎi qiú Wu~
Hate our short-lived love and endless suffering afterward Wu~
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu~
Xīn cuì tú liú luòhuā yǐng zhōngyóu Wu~
No joy from the newly greened twigs, withered flowers flowing in the shadow Wu~
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu~
Xiāngsī wúyòng cái xiào shān méng jiù Wu~
Useless missing and longing laughed at the gone pledged love Wu~
Wèi wǒ hé qiú
What do I want?
Zhǒng yī wàn duǒ liánhuā
Planting ten thousands lotus seeds
Zài zhòngshēng zhōng fāyá
Budding in all beings
Děng hóngchén yī wàn zhǒng jiědá
Waiting the mortal world for ten thousand answers
念珠落进 时间的泥沙
Niànzhū luò jìn shíjiān de ní shā
With chaplets falling into the sediment of time
待 割舍诠释慈悲的读法
Dài gēshě quánshì cíbēi de dú fǎ
I wait for the mercy from the detachment
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
Qiánshì chí lái zhě (cā jiān érguò)
Late-comer from past life(blowing our chance)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
Zhǎngxīn kè (láishēng jìdé)
Palm engraved(remember in next life)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo~
Nǐ yǎnzhōng yānbō dī luò yīdī mò wo~
The sadness in your eyes turned into a drop of falling ink(tear) wo~
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
Ruò fú shuō (wú qiān wú guà)
If Buddha asks me(be carefree)
放下执著 (无相无色)
Fàngxià zhízhuó (wū xiāng wú sè)
To let go the attachment(be empty mind)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
Wǒ zěn néng bōlán bù jīng qù fùhè
How can I follow that without being disturbed?
一想到你我就 Wu~
Yī xiǎngdào nǐ wǒ jiù Wu~
Whenever I think of you, I would Wu~
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu~
Hèn qíng bù shòu zǒng yú kǔhǎi qiú Wu~
Hate our short-lived love and endless suffering afterward Wu~
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu~
Xīn cuì tú liú luòhuā yǐng zhōngyóu Wu~
No joy from the newly greened twigs, withered flowers flowing in the shadow Wu~
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu~
Xiāngsī wúyòng cái xiào shān méng jiù Wu~
Useless missing and longing laughed at the gone pledged love Wu~
Wèi wǒ hé qiú
What do I want?
Wèi wǒ hé qiú
What do I want?
歌词 Lyrics:
一想到你我就 Wu
空恨别梦久 Wu
余晖沾上 远行人的发
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
放下执著 (无相无色)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
一想到你我就 Wu
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu
念珠落进 时间的泥沙
待 割舍诠释慈悲
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
放下执著 (无相无色)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
一想到你我就 Wu
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu
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Interesting 音阙诗听 - Mang Zhong 芒种【Grain in Ear】[Pinyin,English,Indonesian Translation]
一想到你我就 Wu~
Yī xiǎngdào nǐ wǒ jiù Wu~
Whenever I think of you, I would Wu~
Setiap kali memikirkanmu, aku akan Wu~
空恨别梦久 Wu~
Kōng hèn bié mèng jiǔ Wu~
Hate that we cannot be together Wu~
Benci bahwa kita tidak bisa bersama Wu ~
Shāo qù zhǐ huī mái yān liǔ
Ashes from the letters burned curtained the foggy willow
Abu dari surat-surat yang dibakar menutupi pohon willow yang berkabut
Yú xiān huó de zhīyā
Under the fresh twigs
Di bawah ranting segar
Diāolíng xià de wúxiá
Withered innocence
Shì shōuhuò mídǐ de dàijià
Is the price to find the answer
余晖沾上 远行人的发
Yúhuī zhān shàng yuǎn xíng rén de fǎ
The leaving person's hair speckling in the warm light of sunset
Tā sǎ xiàshǒu zhōng qiānguà
He dropped his care and concern
Yú qiáo xià
Below the bridge
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
Qiánshì chí lái zhě (cā jiān érguò)
Late-comer from past life(blowing our chance)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
Zhǎngxīn kè (láishēng jìdé)
Palm engraved(remember in next life)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo~
Nǐ yǎnzhōng yānbō dī luò yīdī mò wo~
The sadness in your eyes turned into a drop of falling ink(tear) wo~
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
Ruò fú shuō (wú qiān wú guà)
If Buddha asks me(be carefree)
放下执著 (无相无色)
Fàngxià zhízhuó (wū xiāng wú sè)
To let go the attachment(be empty mind)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
Wǒ zěn néng bōlán bù jīng qù fùhè
How can I follow that without being disturbed?
一想到你我就 Wu~
Yī xiǎngdào nǐ wǒ jiù Wu~
Whenever I think of you, I would Wu~
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu~
Hèn qíng bù shòu zǒng yú kǔhǎi qiú Wu~
Hate our short-lived love and endless suffering afterward Wu~
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu~
Xīn cuì tú liú luòhuā yǐng zhōngyóu Wu~
No joy from the newly greened twigs, withered flowers flowing in the shadow Wu~
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu~
Xiāngsī wúyòng cái xiào shān méng jiù Wu~
Useless missing and longing laughed at the gone pledged love Wu~
Wèi wǒ hé qiú
What do I want?
Zhǒng yī wàn duǒ liánhuā
Planting ten thousands lotus seeds
Zài zhòngshēng zhōng fāyá
Budding in all beings
Děng hóngchén yī wàn zhǒng jiědá
Waiting the mortal world for ten thousand answers
念珠落进 时间的泥沙
Niànzhū luò jìn shíjiān de ní shā
With chaplets falling into the sediment of time
待 割舍诠释慈悲的读法
Dài gēshě quánshì cíbēi de dú fǎ
I wait for the mercy from the detachment
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
Qiánshì chí lái zhě (cā jiān érguò)
Late-comer from past life(blowing our chance)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
Zhǎngxīn kè (láishēng jìdé)
Palm engraved(remember in next life)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo~
Nǐ yǎnzhōng yānbō dī luò yīdī mò wo~
The sadness in your eyes turned into a drop of falling ink(tear) wo~
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
Ruò fú shuō (wú qiān wú guà)
If Buddha asks me(be carefree)
放下执著 (无相无色)
Fàngxià zhízhuó (wū xiāng wú sè)
To let go the attachment(be empty mind)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
Wǒ zěn néng bōlán bù jīng qù fùhè
How can I follow that without being disturbed?
一想到你我就 Wu~
Yī xiǎngdào nǐ wǒ jiù Wu~
Whenever I think of you, I would Wu~
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu~
Hèn qíng bù shòu zǒng yú kǔhǎi qiú Wu~
Hate our short-lived love and endless suffering afterward Wu~
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu~
Xīn cuì tú liú luòhuā yǐng zhōngyóu Wu~
No joy from the newly greened twigs, withered flowers flowing in the shadow Wu~
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu~
Xiāngsī wúyòng cái xiào shān méng jiù Wu~
Useless missing and longing laughed at the gone pledged love Wu~
Wèi wǒ hé qiú
What do I want?
Wèi wǒ hé qiú
What do I want?
歌词 Lyrics:
一想到你我就 Wu
空恨别梦久 Wu
余晖沾上 远行人的发
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
放下执著 (无相无色)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
一想到你我就 Wu
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu
念珠落进 时间的泥沙
待 割舍诠释慈悲
前世迟来者 (擦肩而过)
掌心刻 (来生记得)
你眼中烟波滴落一滴墨 wo
若佛说 (无牵无挂)
放下执著 (无相无色)
我怎能 波澜不惊 去附和
一想到你我就 Wu
恨情不寿 总于苦海囚 Wu
新翠徒留 落花影中游 Wu
相思无用 才笑山盟旧 Wu
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