Now, I will Post the song translate Indonesian, Mandarin , English with the title ' Mayday 五月天 - Zui Hao De Yi Tian 最好的一天【Best Day of My Life】[Pinyin,English Translation] '
Mayday 五月天 - Zui Hao De Yi Tian 最好的一天【Best Day of My Life】[Pinyin,English Translation]
闭上眼 请你闭上眼
Bì shàngyǎn qǐng nǐ bì shàng yǎn
Close your eyes, please close your eyes
问自己 无数平凡 日子里面
Wèn zìjǐ wúshù píngfán rìzi lǐmiàn
And ask yourself, out of the countless ordinary days
选出 你生命中 最好的那一天
Xuǎn chū nǐ shēngmìng zhòng zuì hǎo de nà yītiān
Which is the best day of your entire life?
再问你 最糟的那天
Zài wèn nǐ zuì zāo de nèitiān
What about the worst day of your life?
或许也 留下什么 让你改变
Huòxǔ yě liú xià shénme ràng nǐ gǎibiàn
Did it leave behind something that caused you to
后来 你转了念 贫瘠小行星 种一棵玫瑰
Hòulái nǐ zhuǎnle niàn pínjí xiǎo xíngxīng zhǒng yī kē méiguī
Change your mind, planting a single rose upon a desolate planet
困在囚房里 听见音乐 你开启了演唱会
Kùn zài qiú fáng lǐ tīngjiàn yīnyuè nǐ kāiqǐle yǎnchàng huì
You started a concert while locked up in a prison after hearing some music
把相亲对象 组成球队 去夺下那世界杯
Bǎ xiāngqīn duìxiàng zǔchéng qiú duì qù duó xià nà shìjièbēi
Formed a soccer team with your matchmaking partners to win the World Cup
Yěxǔ shì nàtiān!
It could be that day!
最好的一天 最好的那一天
Zuì hǎo de yītiān zuì hǎo de nà yītiān
The best day in my life, the very best day in my life
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
岁月说 回忆才最美
Suìyuè shuō huíyì cái zuìměi
The past thinks that memories are the most beautiful
未来说 最好那天 还没上演
Wèilái shuō zuì hǎo nèitiān hái méi shàng yǎn
The future argues that the best day hasn’t materialised
你说 太难挑选 人生三万多天
Nǐ shuō tài nán tiāoxuǎn rénshēng sān wàn duō tiān
You say, it is too hard to choose from the thirty thousand days in a person’s life
地球说 你活了百年
Dìqiú shuō nǐ huó liǎo bǎinián
The Earth muses, the hundred years you spend living
不过是 历史角落 转眼瞬间
Bùguò shì lìshǐ jiǎoluò zhuǎnyǎn shùnjiān
Is nothing but a passing moment in a corner of history
你的 名字故事 打喷嚏就都 全灰飞烟灭
Nǐ de míngzì gùshì dǎ pēntì jiù dōu quán huīfēi yānmiè
Your name and story scatter like ashes with a single sneeze
银河说 “地球你好了没” 你也是小小圆点
Yínhé shuō “dìqiú nǐ hǎole méi” nǐ yěshì xiǎo xiǎo yuán diǎn
The galaxy complains about the Earth being just a small dot
宇宙说 “银河你乖一点” 你也有千亿同类
Yǔzhòu shuō “yínhé nǐ guāi yīdiǎn” nǐ yěyǒu qiān yì tónglèi
The universe meanwhile asks the galaxies to behave, you too have millions of kin
Nǐ xuǎn hǎole méi?
Have you chosen?
最好的一天 最好的那一天
Zuì hǎo de yītiān zuì hǎo de nà yītiān
The best day in my life, the very best day in my life
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
庞大或卑微 恒久或瞬间
Pángdà huò bēiwéi héngjiǔ huò shùnjiān
Vast or humble, everlasting or fleeting
人间的罣碍 都是相对
Rénjiān de guà ài dōu shì xiāngduì
The difficulties and worries in life are all relative
你怀念昨天 或期待明天
Nǐ huáiniàn zuótiān huò qídài míngtiān
Do you miss yesterday, or look forward to tomorrow
或是任何 还呼吸 还生存 的每个最好的今天
Huò shì rènhé hái hūxī hái shēngcún de měi gè zuì hǎo de jīntiān
Or this day which you are still breathing and living to your fullest?
In my life, best day, any day, best day
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
Mayday 五月天 - Zui Hao De Yi Tian 最好的一天【Best Day of My Life】[Pinyin,English Translation]
闭上眼 请你闭上眼
Bì shàngyǎn qǐng nǐ bì shàng yǎn
Close your eyes, please close your eyes
问自己 无数平凡 日子里面
Wèn zìjǐ wúshù píngfán rìzi lǐmiàn
And ask yourself, out of the countless ordinary days
选出 你生命中 最好的那一天
Xuǎn chū nǐ shēngmìng zhòng zuì hǎo de nà yītiān
Which is the best day of your entire life?
再问你 最糟的那天
Zài wèn nǐ zuì zāo de nèitiān
What about the worst day of your life?
或许也 留下什么 让你改变
Huòxǔ yě liú xià shénme ràng nǐ gǎibiàn
Did it leave behind something that caused you to
后来 你转了念 贫瘠小行星 种一棵玫瑰
Hòulái nǐ zhuǎnle niàn pínjí xiǎo xíngxīng zhǒng yī kē méiguī
Change your mind, planting a single rose upon a desolate planet
困在囚房里 听见音乐 你开启了演唱会
Kùn zài qiú fáng lǐ tīngjiàn yīnyuè nǐ kāiqǐle yǎnchàng huì
You started a concert while locked up in a prison after hearing some music
把相亲对象 组成球队 去夺下那世界杯
Bǎ xiāngqīn duìxiàng zǔchéng qiú duì qù duó xià nà shìjièbēi
Formed a soccer team with your matchmaking partners to win the World Cup
Yěxǔ shì nàtiān!
It could be that day!
最好的一天 最好的那一天
Zuì hǎo de yītiān zuì hǎo de nà yītiān
The best day in my life, the very best day in my life
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
岁月说 回忆才最美
Suìyuè shuō huíyì cái zuìměi
The past thinks that memories are the most beautiful
未来说 最好那天 还没上演
Wèilái shuō zuì hǎo nèitiān hái méi shàng yǎn
The future argues that the best day hasn’t materialised
你说 太难挑选 人生三万多天
Nǐ shuō tài nán tiāoxuǎn rénshēng sān wàn duō tiān
You say, it is too hard to choose from the thirty thousand days in a person’s life
地球说 你活了百年
Dìqiú shuō nǐ huó liǎo bǎinián
The Earth muses, the hundred years you spend living
不过是 历史角落 转眼瞬间
Bùguò shì lìshǐ jiǎoluò zhuǎnyǎn shùnjiān
Is nothing but a passing moment in a corner of history
你的 名字故事 打喷嚏就都 全灰飞烟灭
Nǐ de míngzì gùshì dǎ pēntì jiù dōu quán huīfēi yānmiè
Your name and story scatter like ashes with a single sneeze
银河说 “地球你好了没” 你也是小小圆点
Yínhé shuō “dìqiú nǐ hǎole méi” nǐ yěshì xiǎo xiǎo yuán diǎn
The galaxy complains about the Earth being just a small dot
宇宙说 “银河你乖一点” 你也有千亿同类
Yǔzhòu shuō “yínhé nǐ guāi yīdiǎn” nǐ yěyǒu qiān yì tónglèi
The universe meanwhile asks the galaxies to behave, you too have millions of kin
Nǐ xuǎn hǎole méi?
Have you chosen?
最好的一天 最好的那一天
Zuì hǎo de yītiān zuì hǎo de nà yītiān
The best day in my life, the very best day in my life
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
庞大或卑微 恒久或瞬间
Pángdà huò bēiwéi héngjiǔ huò shùnjiān
Vast or humble, everlasting or fleeting
人间的罣碍 都是相对
Rénjiān de guà ài dōu shì xiāngduì
The difficulties and worries in life are all relative
你怀念昨天 或期待明天
Nǐ huáiniàn zuótiān huò qídài míngtiān
Do you miss yesterday, or look forward to tomorrow
或是任何 还呼吸 还生存 的每个最好的今天
Huò shì rènhé hái hūxī hái shēngcún de měi gè zuì hǎo de jīntiān
Or this day which you are still breathing and living to your fullest?
In my life, best day, any day, best day
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō ō
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh~
歌词 Lyrics:
闭上眼 请你闭上眼
问自己 无数平凡 日子里面
选出 你生命中 最好的那一天
再问你 最糟的那天
或许也 留下什么 让你改变
后来 你转了念 贫瘠小行星 种一棵玫瑰
困在囚房里 听见音乐 你开启了演唱会
把相亲对象 组成球队 去夺下那世界杯
最好的一天 最好的那一天
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
岁月说 回忆才最美
未来说 最好那天 还没上演
你说 太难挑选 人生三万多天
地球说 你活了百年
不过是 历史角落 转眼瞬间
你的 名字故事 打喷嚏就都 全灰飞烟灭
银河说 “地球你好了没” 你也是小小圆点
宇宙说 “银河你乖一点” 你也有千亿同类
最好的一天 最好的那一天
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
庞大或卑微 恒久或瞬间
人间的罣碍 都是相对
你怀念昨天 或期待明天
或是任何 还呼吸 还生存 的每个最好的今天
In my life, best day, any day, best day
噢噢噢噢噢 噢噢噢噢噢噢
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