Now, I will Post the song translate Indonesian, Mandarin , English with the title ' Mayday 五月天 - Ru Yan 如烟【Like Smoke】[Pinyin,English Translation] '
Mayday 五月天 - Ru Yan 如烟【Like Smoke】[Pinyin,English Translation]
我坐在床前 望着窗外
Wǒ zuò zài chuáng qián wàngzhe chuāngwài
I sit before the bed, looking out the window
Huíyì mǎn tiān
Spending the day in memories
生命是华丽错觉 时间是贼
Shēngmìng shì huálì cuòjué shíjiān shì zéi
Life is a resplendent illusion, time is a thief
Tōu zǒu yīqiè
Stealing everything away
七岁的那一年 抓住那只蝉
Qī suì dì nà yī nián zhuā zhù nà zhǐ chán
When I was seven, I captured a cicada
Yǐwéi néng zhuā zhù xiàtiān
Thinking I could capture summer
十七岁的那年 吻过他的脸
Shíqī suì dì nà nián wěnguò tā de liǎn
When I was seventeen, I kissed his face
Jiù yǐwéi hé tā néng yǒngyuǎn
Thinking we would last forever
有没有那么一种永远 永远不改变
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī zhǒng yǒngyuǎn yǒngyuǎn bù gǎibiàn
Is there really that kind of forever, forever unchanging
拥抱过的美丽都 再也不破碎
Yǒngbào guò de měilì dōu zài yě bù pòsuì
The beauty we’ve once embraced never shattered
Ràng xiǎnjùn suìyuè bùnéng zài liǎn shàng sāyě
Make rapidly passing time unable to run wild on my face
Ràng shēng lí hé sǐ bié dōu yáoyuǎn
Make the separation of life and death distant
Yǒu shéi néng tīngjiàn
Can anyone hear me
我坐在床前 转过头看
Wǒ zuò zài chuáng qián zhuǎn guòtóu kàn
I sit before the bed, turning my head to see
Shéi zài chénshuì
Who is asleep on the pillow
那一张苍老的脸 好像是我 紧闭双眼
Nà yī zhāng cānglǎo de liǎn hǎoxiàng shì wǒ jǐn bì shuāngyǎn
That ancient face appears to be me, tightly shut eyes
曾经是爱我的 和我深爱的
Céngjīng shì ài wǒ de hé wǒ shēn ài de
Those who once loved me, and who I loved deeply
Dōu wéirào zài wǒ shēnbiān
Are all gathered by my side
带不走的那些 遗憾和眷恋
Dài bù zǒu dì nàxiē yíhàn hé juànliàn
I can’t take with me those regrets and sentiments
Jiù huàchéng zuìhòu yīdī lèi
they all transform into that one last tear
有没有那么一滴眼泪 能洗掉后悔
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yīdī yǎnlèi néng xǐ diào hòuhuǐ
Is there really that kind of tear that can wash away remorse
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
Huàchéng dàyǔ jiàngluò zài huí bù qù de jiē
Transform into a rainstorm falling on a street I can’t return to
再给我一次机会 将故事改写
Zài gěi wǒ yīcì jīhuì jiāng gùshì gǎixiě
Give me one more chance to rewrite the story
还欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
Hái qiànle tā yīshēng de yījù bàoqiàn
To offer the apology I've owed him all my life
有没有那么一个世界 永远不天黑
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yīgè shìjiè yǒngyuǎn bù tiān hēi
Is there really that kind of world, where the sky never goes dark
星星太阳万物都 听我的指挥
Xīngxīng tàiyáng wànwù dōu tīng wǒ de zhǐhuī
The stars and sun and everything listens to my commands
月亮不忙着圆缺 春天不走远
Yuèliàng bù mángzhe yuán quē chūntiān bù zǒu yuǎn
The moon doesn’t wax and wane, spring isn’t far away
Shù shāo jǐn jǐn yǒngbàozhe shùyè
Twigs hold tightly onto their leaves
Yǒu shéi néng tīngjiàn
Can anyone hear me
耳际 眼前 此生重演
Er jì yǎnqián cǐshēng chóngyǎn
Beside my ears, before my eyes, this life is replayed again
是我来自漆黑 而又回归漆黑
Shì wǒ láizì qīhēi ér yòu huíguī qīhēi
I came from the darkness and return to the darkness
人间 瞬间 天地之间
Rénjiān shùnjiān tiāndì zhī jiān
A lifetime, a flash, between heaven and earth
下次我 又是谁
Xià cì wǒ yòu shì shéi
Next time who will I be
有没有那么一朵玫瑰 永远不凋谢
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī duǒ méiguī yǒngyuǎn bù diāoxiè
Is there really that kind of rose that never wither
永远骄傲和完美 永远不妥协
Yǒngyuǎn jiāo'ào hé wánměi yǒngyuǎn bù tuǒxié
Forever proud and perfect, forever uncompromising
Wèi hé rénshēng zuìhòu huì xiàng yī zhāng zhǐ xiè
Why does life turn out to be like a scrap of paper
Hái bùrú yīpiàn huābàn céngjīng xiānyàn
Not like a flower petal that was once splendorous
有没有那么一张书签 停止那一天
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī zhāng shūqiān tíngzhǐ nà yītiān
Is there really that kind of bookmark that can stop on that day
最单纯的笑脸和 最美那一年
Zuì dānchún de xiàoliǎn hé zuìměi nà yī nián
At that most innocent, smiling face and that most beautiful year
Shūbāo lǐmiàn zhuāng mǎnle dàngāo hé qìshuǐ
A backpack filled with cakes and soda
双眼只有无猜和无邪 让我们无法无天
Shuāngyǎn zhǐyǒu wú cāi hé wú xié ràng wǒmen wúfǎ wútiān
Eyes devoid of suspicion and wrong-doing, let us be outlaws
有没有那么一首诗篇 找不到句点
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī shǒu shīpiān zhǎo bù dào jùdiǎn
Is there really that kind of poem that doesn’t end
青春永远定居在 我们的岁月
Qīngchūn yǒngyuǎn dìngjū zài wǒmen de suìyuè
Youth forever halted in our own time
Nánhái hé nǚhái dōu yǒu jítā hé wǔ xié
All the boys and girls have guitars and dancing shoes
笑忘人间的苦痛 只有甜美
Xiào wàng rénjiān de kǔtòng zhǐyǒu tiánměi
Laughing and forgetting life’s suffering, just knowing its sweetness
有没有那么一个明天 重头活一遍
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yīgè míngtiān zhòngtóu huó yībiàn
Is there really that kind of tomorrow that lets me live all over again
让我再次感受曾 挥霍的昨天
Ràng wǒ zàicì gǎnshòu céng huīhuò de zuótiān
To once again experience the yesterday I squandered
无论生存或生活 我都不浪费
Wúlùn shēngcún huò shēnghuó wǒ dū bù làngfèi
Whether surviving or living, I won’t waste a moment
Bù ràng gùshì zhème de hòuhuǐ
Won’t let this story be so filled with regrets
有谁能听见 我不要告别
Yǒu shéi néng tīngjiàn wǒ bùyào gàobié
Can anyone hear me, I don’t want to say goodbye
我坐在床前 看着指尖 已经如烟
Wǒ zuò zài chuáng qián kànzhe zhǐ jiān yǐjīng rú yān
I sit before the bed watching my fingertips already like smoke
歌词 Lyrics:
我坐在床前 望着窗外
生命是华丽错觉 时间是贼
七岁的那一年 抓住那只蝉
十七岁的那年 吻过他的脸
有没有那么一种永远 永远不改变
拥抱过的美丽都 再也不破碎
我坐在床前 转过头看
那一张苍老的脸 好像是我 紧闭双眼
曾经是爱我的 和我深爱的
带不走的那些 遗憾和眷恋
有没有那么一滴眼泪 能洗掉后悔
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
再给我一次机会 将故事改写
还欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
有没有那么一个世界 永远不天黑
星星太阳万物都 听我的指挥
月亮不忙着圆缺 春天不走远
耳际 眼前 此生重演
是我来自漆黑 而又回归漆黑
人间 瞬间 天地之间
下次我 又是谁
有没有那么一朵玫瑰 永远不凋谢
永远骄傲和完美 永远不妥协
有没有那么一张书签 停止那一天
最单纯的笑脸和 最美那一年
双眼只有无猜和无邪 让我们无法无天
有没有那么一首诗篇 找不到句点
青春永远定居在 我们的岁月
笑忘人间的苦痛 只有甜美
有没有那么一个明天 重头活一遍
让我再次感受曾 挥霍的昨天
无论生存或生活 我都不浪费
有谁能听见 我不要告别
我坐在床前 看着指尖 已经如烟
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Mayday 五月天 - Ru Yan 如烟【Like Smoke】[Pinyin,English Translation]
我坐在床前 望着窗外
Wǒ zuò zài chuáng qián wàngzhe chuāngwài
I sit before the bed, looking out the window
Huíyì mǎn tiān
Spending the day in memories
生命是华丽错觉 时间是贼
Shēngmìng shì huálì cuòjué shíjiān shì zéi
Life is a resplendent illusion, time is a thief
Tōu zǒu yīqiè
Stealing everything away
七岁的那一年 抓住那只蝉
Qī suì dì nà yī nián zhuā zhù nà zhǐ chán
When I was seven, I captured a cicada
Yǐwéi néng zhuā zhù xiàtiān
Thinking I could capture summer
十七岁的那年 吻过他的脸
Shíqī suì dì nà nián wěnguò tā de liǎn
When I was seventeen, I kissed his face
Jiù yǐwéi hé tā néng yǒngyuǎn
Thinking we would last forever
有没有那么一种永远 永远不改变
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī zhǒng yǒngyuǎn yǒngyuǎn bù gǎibiàn
Is there really that kind of forever, forever unchanging
拥抱过的美丽都 再也不破碎
Yǒngbào guò de měilì dōu zài yě bù pòsuì
The beauty we’ve once embraced never shattered
Ràng xiǎnjùn suìyuè bùnéng zài liǎn shàng sāyě
Make rapidly passing time unable to run wild on my face
Ràng shēng lí hé sǐ bié dōu yáoyuǎn
Make the separation of life and death distant
Yǒu shéi néng tīngjiàn
Can anyone hear me
我坐在床前 转过头看
Wǒ zuò zài chuáng qián zhuǎn guòtóu kàn
I sit before the bed, turning my head to see
Shéi zài chénshuì
Who is asleep on the pillow
那一张苍老的脸 好像是我 紧闭双眼
Nà yī zhāng cānglǎo de liǎn hǎoxiàng shì wǒ jǐn bì shuāngyǎn
That ancient face appears to be me, tightly shut eyes
曾经是爱我的 和我深爱的
Céngjīng shì ài wǒ de hé wǒ shēn ài de
Those who once loved me, and who I loved deeply
Dōu wéirào zài wǒ shēnbiān
Are all gathered by my side
带不走的那些 遗憾和眷恋
Dài bù zǒu dì nàxiē yíhàn hé juànliàn
I can’t take with me those regrets and sentiments
Jiù huàchéng zuìhòu yīdī lèi
they all transform into that one last tear
有没有那么一滴眼泪 能洗掉后悔
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yīdī yǎnlèi néng xǐ diào hòuhuǐ
Is there really that kind of tear that can wash away remorse
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
Huàchéng dàyǔ jiàngluò zài huí bù qù de jiē
Transform into a rainstorm falling on a street I can’t return to
再给我一次机会 将故事改写
Zài gěi wǒ yīcì jīhuì jiāng gùshì gǎixiě
Give me one more chance to rewrite the story
还欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
Hái qiànle tā yīshēng de yījù bàoqiàn
To offer the apology I've owed him all my life
有没有那么一个世界 永远不天黑
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yīgè shìjiè yǒngyuǎn bù tiān hēi
Is there really that kind of world, where the sky never goes dark
星星太阳万物都 听我的指挥
Xīngxīng tàiyáng wànwù dōu tīng wǒ de zhǐhuī
The stars and sun and everything listens to my commands
月亮不忙着圆缺 春天不走远
Yuèliàng bù mángzhe yuán quē chūntiān bù zǒu yuǎn
The moon doesn’t wax and wane, spring isn’t far away
Shù shāo jǐn jǐn yǒngbàozhe shùyè
Twigs hold tightly onto their leaves
Yǒu shéi néng tīngjiàn
Can anyone hear me
耳际 眼前 此生重演
Er jì yǎnqián cǐshēng chóngyǎn
Beside my ears, before my eyes, this life is replayed again
是我来自漆黑 而又回归漆黑
Shì wǒ láizì qīhēi ér yòu huíguī qīhēi
I came from the darkness and return to the darkness
人间 瞬间 天地之间
Rénjiān shùnjiān tiāndì zhī jiān
A lifetime, a flash, between heaven and earth
下次我 又是谁
Xià cì wǒ yòu shì shéi
Next time who will I be
有没有那么一朵玫瑰 永远不凋谢
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī duǒ méiguī yǒngyuǎn bù diāoxiè
Is there really that kind of rose that never wither
永远骄傲和完美 永远不妥协
Yǒngyuǎn jiāo'ào hé wánměi yǒngyuǎn bù tuǒxié
Forever proud and perfect, forever uncompromising
Wèi hé rénshēng zuìhòu huì xiàng yī zhāng zhǐ xiè
Why does life turn out to be like a scrap of paper
Hái bùrú yīpiàn huābàn céngjīng xiānyàn
Not like a flower petal that was once splendorous
有没有那么一张书签 停止那一天
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī zhāng shūqiān tíngzhǐ nà yītiān
Is there really that kind of bookmark that can stop on that day
最单纯的笑脸和 最美那一年
Zuì dānchún de xiàoliǎn hé zuìměi nà yī nián
At that most innocent, smiling face and that most beautiful year
Shūbāo lǐmiàn zhuāng mǎnle dàngāo hé qìshuǐ
A backpack filled with cakes and soda
双眼只有无猜和无邪 让我们无法无天
Shuāngyǎn zhǐyǒu wú cāi hé wú xié ràng wǒmen wúfǎ wútiān
Eyes devoid of suspicion and wrong-doing, let us be outlaws
有没有那么一首诗篇 找不到句点
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yī shǒu shīpiān zhǎo bù dào jùdiǎn
Is there really that kind of poem that doesn’t end
青春永远定居在 我们的岁月
Qīngchūn yǒngyuǎn dìngjū zài wǒmen de suìyuè
Youth forever halted in our own time
Nánhái hé nǚhái dōu yǒu jítā hé wǔ xié
All the boys and girls have guitars and dancing shoes
笑忘人间的苦痛 只有甜美
Xiào wàng rénjiān de kǔtòng zhǐyǒu tiánměi
Laughing and forgetting life’s suffering, just knowing its sweetness
有没有那么一个明天 重头活一遍
Yǒu méiyǒu nàme yīgè míngtiān zhòngtóu huó yībiàn
Is there really that kind of tomorrow that lets me live all over again
让我再次感受曾 挥霍的昨天
Ràng wǒ zàicì gǎnshòu céng huīhuò de zuótiān
To once again experience the yesterday I squandered
无论生存或生活 我都不浪费
Wúlùn shēngcún huò shēnghuó wǒ dū bù làngfèi
Whether surviving or living, I won’t waste a moment
Bù ràng gùshì zhème de hòuhuǐ
Won’t let this story be so filled with regrets
有谁能听见 我不要告别
Yǒu shéi néng tīngjiàn wǒ bùyào gàobié
Can anyone hear me, I don’t want to say goodbye
我坐在床前 看着指尖 已经如烟
Wǒ zuò zài chuáng qián kànzhe zhǐ jiān yǐjīng rú yān
I sit before the bed watching my fingertips already like smoke
歌词 Lyrics:
我坐在床前 望着窗外
生命是华丽错觉 时间是贼
七岁的那一年 抓住那只蝉
十七岁的那年 吻过他的脸
有没有那么一种永远 永远不改变
拥抱过的美丽都 再也不破碎
我坐在床前 转过头看
那一张苍老的脸 好像是我 紧闭双眼
曾经是爱我的 和我深爱的
带不走的那些 遗憾和眷恋
有没有那么一滴眼泪 能洗掉后悔
化成大雨降落在 回不去的街
再给我一次机会 将故事改写
还欠了他一生的 一句抱歉
有没有那么一个世界 永远不天黑
星星太阳万物都 听我的指挥
月亮不忙着圆缺 春天不走远
耳际 眼前 此生重演
是我来自漆黑 而又回归漆黑
人间 瞬间 天地之间
下次我 又是谁
有没有那么一朵玫瑰 永远不凋谢
永远骄傲和完美 永远不妥协
有没有那么一张书签 停止那一天
最单纯的笑脸和 最美那一年
双眼只有无猜和无邪 让我们无法无天
有没有那么一首诗篇 找不到句点
青春永远定居在 我们的岁月
笑忘人间的苦痛 只有甜美
有没有那么一个明天 重头活一遍
让我再次感受曾 挥霍的昨天
无论生存或生活 我都不浪费
有谁能听见 我不要告别
我坐在床前 看着指尖 已经如烟
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